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    What is the SMU Code of Student Conduct?

    Responsibilities of Student Citizenship The University desires and expects its students to exercise initiative and responsibility. Students should conduct themselves responsibly in all their pursuits. Responsible behaviour includes the following:

    1) To respect the right of fellow students to participate in University organizations and in relationships with other students without fear or threat.

    2) To treat all Members of the SMU community with courtesy, respect and dignity.

    3) To refrain from derogatory comments, epithets, and racial, ethnic, sexual and religious slurs. To engage in respectful and rational debate in areas of difference and disagreement.

    4) To refrain from unwelcome behaviour, advances or requests of a sexual, offensive, intimidating or harassing nature, which would detrimentally affect any reasonable person under the same circumstances, or any attempt or engagement in any sexual contact or activity with other persons without their expressed consent.

    5) To refrain from stealing, damaging, defacing, or misusing the property, facilities, or infrastructure of the University, or of others. Respect the right of others to use facilities and infrastructure.

    6) To refrain from any act that disrupts University operations, services or resources, or interferes with the rights of others to freely participate in University operations, services or resources, or misuses University operations, services or resources for unlawful activities or acts of mischief.

    7) To be honest and truthful in dealings with the University, about one's own identity and in the use of University and other identification.

    8) To cooperate fully and honestly with the University, law enforcement agencies, courts and tribunals, and to comply with the University’s disciplinary procedures and sanctions, as well as procedures and sanctions under applicable laws. This precludes the making of false, vexatious or malicious complaints and grievances, or taking retaliative actions against someone making a complaint in good faith.

    9) To become aware of and comply with all provisions of the University’s Code of Academic Integrity.

    10) To become aware of and comply with policies, rules and regulations of the University and its departments.

    11) To respect the health and safety of others. This precludes acts of threats of physical violence against another person (including sexual violence) and disorderly conduct.

    12) To refrain from consuming controlled or prohibited drugs, or the consumption of alcohol that results in intoxication to the degree that it endangers oneself or others, or causes annoyance or disturbance to the vicinity.

    13) To behave in a way that does not bring the University into disrepute.

    14) To comply with applicable Laws

    Last updated on 28 Jul 2022 .