
SMU endeavours to provide a safe study and work environment for all members of our community. We believe that everyone has the principal right to feel secure, protected and respected within SMU.

Voices@SMU, a unit that resides within Student Services Hub (SSH), assists and supports students (regardless of gender) affected by harassment or discrimination - including cases of sexual harassment or sexual assault.

As the designated first-response unit for harassment or discrimination cases, Voices@SMU gives students (reporting or accused parties) a safe and central place to be heard. Our trained staff work closely with SMU's professional counsellors (from Mrs Wong Kwok Leong Student Wellness Centre) and schools to explore options with regard to their case and provide students with necessary assistance, and support for their decisions.

All matters or persons brought to the Unit’s attention will receive equal fairness, facilitated support and appropriate action. Cases will be treated with paramount confidentiality.

For more information, or to report harassment or discrimination cases:

To learn more about our services, please visit https://voices.smu.edu.sg.

For urgent or emergency situations, do contact SMU’s Campus Security (6828 0343), or inform the Singapore Police (999) immediately.